Lean, Mean Weaning Machine

Lean, Mean Weaning Machine
Wean Yourself Off Opiates!

Friday, March 25, 2016

Crossing The Finish Line!

It has been a week since I cut myself off. I am now through with the withdrawal symptoms. I went to see the film "Batman V Superman" last night which was 2.5 hours long and I left without a backache or in pain. I'm not wracked by pain or ridden with anxiety. It feels good to be free, and I have to make sure I never become addicted to these pills again. I'll be taking ibuprofen and similar OTC meds for pain when I need them. If you're trying to quit, don't stop trying. It's worth it to be free for me.

1 comment:

  1. Scott, I am happy for you! Keep up the good work! The journey is worth it! I have never been addicted, but my mom was a boozer, sober got 37 years now! I wish some of the other people in Albion would follow your lead!
