Lean, Mean Weaning Machine

Lean, Mean Weaning Machine
Wean Yourself Off Opiates!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Still Heading Towards My Goal!

4 days ago I began reducing my dosage and taking an over the counter ibuprofen with a built in sleep aid, diphenhydramine, and for the most part, I sleep from 12:30AM til about 5:30AM, and usually I manage to fall back asleep until around 9AM. I've reduced my dosage from 2 Percocet 10s 3 times a day, to 1 & 1/2 Percodet 10s 3 times a day. I was having constipation problems before I reduced my dosage that have disappeared since I lowered my dosage. Last night was our 21st Anniversary and we went out to eat at Red Lobster and my appetite seems to be right on track. I had a salad, a sirloin steak & fries and I was able to eat all of it. My appetite has come back since last January of 2015 when I quit using Marijuana. Quitting the weed made me feel so much better & I'm sure that quitting Percocets will also make me feel better. This coming Thursday I will be reducing my dosage to 1 Percocet 10 3 times a day, which will mean half of what I was taking before. I will then wait a week and then cut my dosage to 1/2 a Percocet 3 times a day, and after a week of that I will quit altogether, hopefully avoiding the painful withdrawal symptoms that I would experience if I just quit abruptly cold turkey. I never enjoyed drinking alcohol, so I never had to quit that. I only drink socially on special occasions. I quit using cigarettes in 1988, and I did that by substituting joints for cigarettes, which took about a month and a quarter pound of marijuana. Years back I developed a cocaine snorting habit while I was working, and I quit that habit cold turkey and never went back. I hear people saying that they have tried to quit cigarettes but couldn't do it. You have to really want to quit. You have to be determined. You have to see yourself at the end of the journey, being victorious. I have been a slave to these substances and I want to be free of them. My doctor offered my oxycontin & methadone a few years ago and I told him if these Percocets stopped working, I would just quit them. I hadn't planned on quitting this soon but since he got in trouble for supplying his son with narcotics and prescription pads, now is as good a time as any. I picked up my last prescription with a letter saying it was my last one, with no advice on how to quit these damn pills. I came up with this method of quitting by reading blogs of people who were successful in quitting opiates. I will gladly suffer through this month because I know there'll be a light at the end of this tunnel, and freedom awaits me. Freedom from chemical dependence.

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